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Lapeer Solar Panels and Solar Installations

Located in Cass City, serving Cass City and surrounding areas

(989) 550-7652

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Solar Panels in Lapeer

With energy costs rising all around the world, every industry is now reevaluating their standards. The construction industry is no different. As far as Solar for Michigan is concerned, we are committed to making sure that the homes we build are energy efficient. However, energy efficiency is only half the battle. To really make a difference, we have begun providing our Lapeer construction projects with a renewable energy in the form of solar panels.

The future looks increasingly like it is going to be solar-powered, which is why you should give Solar for Michigan a call today to find out how we can incorporate solar panels into your new construction, remodel or existing Lapeer building. Whether it’s a residential, commercial or industrial property in the Lapeer area, we guarantee that our renewable energy solutions will enhance the overall quality of life.

For a free estimate on our solar panels, call (989) 550-7652 today.

Benefits of Adding Solar Panels to Your Lapeer Home or Business

There are plenty of reasons to make the switch to solar panels. Some of them are environmental, others are economic or even personal. No matter what’s motivating you to investigate Solar for Michigan's solar panel services, there are plenty of benefits that make switching over a seriously attractive option.

Some of the benefits of adding solar panels to your Lapeer home or business include:

Reduce Electric Bills

Whether you are a Lapeer home or business owner, electricity costs make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. When you invest in solar panels, you will generate your own power for up to 25 years. Even if you don’t produce 100% of the energy you and your building’s occupants consume, you will still subsidize a significant chunk of it and save a ton on your utility bills.

Excellent Return on Investment

There are two ways of looking at solar panels. They are either an expense or an investment. In our expert opinion, we recommend that you think of them as an investment because not only will they save you money on electricity in the long run, they can add significant value to your property. Studies have shown that people are willing to pay up to $15,000 more for a home that is equipped with average-sized solar panels. So, not only will they save you money on electricity, they could make you money if you ever decide to sell.

It’s Good for the Environment

Solar power doesn’t produce any harmful emissions. It’s a clean, renewable process that uses an easy-to-access natural resource. Switching over to solar power is the equivalent of planting over 100 trees annually, so you can feel good that you have done your part to help future generations prosper in Lapeer.

Contact Us Today

No matter what your reason for investigating solar panels in Lapeer, contact Solar for Michigan to learn more about the size and type of solar panels you might need to meet your home or business’s energy demands.